Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Here's a recent IM conversation I had about the latest episode of 24 with my friend, associate and sometimes partner in crime (that's right Catone, eat it!) Pat. In the interest of not having to spend too much time on this post, I have not edited the conversation. MWHancock is me, Matt. I know that confuses people sometimes...

MWHancock: Am I wrong, or was the stock footage a little less terrible this episode?

TwistedView: Not nearly as bad.

TwistedView: And they hide it a little with the split-screen box things...

MWHancock: Yeah, that's true.

MWHancock: I'm not sure how I feel about this episode though.

TwistedView: Is it over already?

MWHancock: Yeah.

MWHancock: Remember, I see it without commercials.

TwistedView: Are we watching the same episode?

MWHancock: I think?

TwistedView: Ummm, Airforce One??

MWHancock: Maybe I just don't identify with Air Force one all that much.

TwistedView: That be some cold shit.

MWHancock: Well, here's the thing:

MWHancock: You hate the current president right off the bat because he turned against Palmer last season.

MWHancock: This season, the writers have done nothing to warm you up to him.

MWHancock: If Palmer was in danger you cared 'cuz it was Palmer, and not "the President."

MWHancock: For me, without Palmer inside, Air Force One is just another Boeing.

TwistedView: I think I'm viewing it more from the perspective outside of the show... more on the "wow, 24 has the biggest balls ever."

TwistedView: This brings it back to your "most subversive show on television" standing.

TwistedView: But yes, it would have been better had anyone given a shit about the president at all.

TwistedView: Or his son. Which was kind of gay.

MWHancock: Well, the son was just kinda "generic, vanilla, college, white kid."

MWHancock: And I do pronounce vanilla "vanella."

MWHancock: But, subservsive?

MWHancock: I don't think so...

MWHancock: The good guys are still the good guys.

MWHancock: Where's the shadow government that's subservient to corporate interests?

MWHancock: Where's that Muslim guy who you think is a terrorist and gets killed by his white girlfriend?

MWHancock: Where's that guy in the skyscraper on the cell phone with that hot girl?

MWHancock: Where are the people who paid Nina?

TwistedView: Well, shit.

MWHancock: Don't get me wrong. This season still has me on the edge of my seat. All I'm saying is that, as fans, can we hold 24 up to any standard other than its own best moments?

TwistedView: I trust you're putting all of this in an email?

MWHancock: Well, I thought this might be the next post to my blog.

TwistedView: That works too.

TwistedView: You're probably one of the only people in Italy blogging about this season.

TwistedView: To the victor go the spoils.

TwistedView: I have no idea what that means.

MWHancock: The die is cast!

MWHancock: (It seemed in line with what you said)

MWHancock: (at first I thought: who's Victor?)

TwistedView: (spoils.)

MWHancock: Huh?

TwistedView: Have you read the recent messages now?

TwistedView: And found out about Kevin

TwistedView: 's unhealthy fascination with that chick?

MWHancock: Well, she was hot, right?

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