Saturday, April 02, 2005


This just in.

My Blog has changed slightly in the last five minutes.

While the title remains, brilliantly, simply, "Matt Hancock's Blog" I've made a slight change to the subtitle that will revolutionize my Blog (and by that I mean I will post to it more frequently). As you can see the subtitle now includes "... and anything else that he feels like posting."

You see, when it was only a political commentary Blog I was under enormous pressure from my publisher to produce... political commentary. So if I didn't have something nice and polished to put up, I just wouldn't post.

But now, now all that has changed. Of course, you'll still find political commentary, but you'll also find much much more. I could post, I dunno, recipes for example. Or just write whatever's on my mind. Or put up pictures.

I can't wait.

1 comment:

Eric Hancock said...

Good news -- welcome back!