Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Advice From Rush Limbaugh

Well, no one can accuse me of being sectarian. I'm at work right now listening to Rush Limbaugh speeches. (I would be listening to his show, but I'd have to pay for that and become a "Rush 24/7 Member.")

Anyway, I think folks on the Left should listen to Rush frequently. He's a great speaker, and you can understand exactly why he's able to connect with so many people, especially working class people, despite the fact that he represents a reactionary agenda that is counter to the interests of the great majority of his fans.

But what I really like is the great advice he gives to the Left:

"And you know, I'll tell you what, there's one thing about the left that worries me. If they would ever figure that all they'd have to do is say, 'Yep, we're liberals, we've got an agenda and we hate Bush and the purpose of our newspaper, our newscast is to destroy them,' they would have credibility because then they're being honest. "

You can listen to the whole speech here, if you like.

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