Monday, July 19, 2004

A Few Words on the Green Party's Presidential Nominating Convention

The Green Party took a significant step forward with its nomination of David Cobb and Pat LaMarche as Presidential and Vice-presidential candidates.

Cobb's "safe states" strategy aims the main blow against Bush and the neo-cons, and not the "two-party system" in general. This means that Greens can help beat Bush, maintain their independence (and their differences with the DLC Democrats), while defending their ballot access and perhaps growing modestly.

Most importantly, Greens rejected pressure to run an all-out, opposition to the "establishment parties" campaign. Even if such a strategy didn't hand the election to Bush, it would have only marginalized Greens among progressives and the electorate in general.

For more detailed coverage and analysis of the Green Party's convention and election 2004, see Carl Davidson's commentary.

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